Leaders have a look. A look that makes other aspire to be greater. Ephesians 5:1 says that we should imitate God. That means to mimic His every move. You may wonder how we can mimic God if we can't see Him. The answer is simple. Everything you need to know about God is found in the Bible. When you read the Bible, you get to know Him and how to to act like a Christian.
The look you have as a leader should be one that attracts others to godliness. For example, Joseph had great integrity and in turn attracted people to himself. He found favor with God and man because of his strong leadership skills. It is the job if every leader to attract people or followers. If no one is following, the leadership skills need to be reevaluated.
Here are some leadership qualities that every person can use. Are these working in your life?
1. Lead with your life. Leadership is about lifestyle or a look. If your look puts people off, change your style.
2. Words work! What you say matters. Choose to speak words that build up instead of words that tear down.
3. Learn to trust. Trust is a tough subject. It is easy to put up a guard and just do everything yourself. It takes a true leader to attract, train and trust others.
Get these qualities working in your life and start leading!