Thursday, May 24, 2012

Like My Look?

Leaders have a look. A look that makes other aspire to be greater. Ephesians 5:1 says that we should imitate God. That means to mimic His every move. You may wonder how we can mimic God if we can't see Him. The answer is simple. Everything you need to know about God is found in the Bible. When you read the Bible, you get to know Him and how to to act like a Christian.

The look you have as a leader should be one that attracts others to godliness. For example, Joseph had great integrity and in turn attracted people to himself. He found favor with God and man because of his strong leadership skills. It is the job if every leader to attract people or followers. If no one is following, the leadership skills need to be reevaluated.

Here are some leadership qualities that every person can use. Are these working in your life?

1. Lead with your life. Leadership is about lifestyle or a look. If your look puts people off, change your style.

2. Words work! What you say matters. Choose to speak words that build up instead of words that tear down.

3. Learn to trust. Trust is a tough subject. It is easy to put up a guard and just do everything yourself. It takes a true leader to attract, train and trust others.

Get these qualities working in your life and start leading!


  1. Love this. I'm so glad you are doing this. Can't wait for the next one.

  2. Kyra Williams:
    Like my Look, is an amazing series that is teaching us to look like God because we are his Children or his followers and he loves us so we need to try to be like God. Also, God basically providing a maual on how to be the RIGHT kind of Christian, that is The Bible. Your Life Look should make people want what you have so you can tell them oh, you want to have a life like mine? Then you need to be saved and get invovled in Jesus Christ. You cant just say you are a Christian and never show up to church, that isnt how it works you have to walk around as if a light bulb is insside of you making you shine for God. (You are the light of the world a city on a hill cannot be hidden Matthew 5:14) Your life look should look like an imitation of Jesus Christ, you should put on Christ every morning as if he were part of your every day warddrobe. If you are not wearing Christ then you are naked in the Spirit and your life look is NOT for God. You may say, how do I put on Christ? Read the word every morning, pray every day, stir yourself up for God so when a Spiritual Blizzard comes you will be wearing a Spiritual Snow suit to protect you from the storm, it is kind of like if you put on sunscreen you may not get burned, but if you keep applying that sunscreen you will not be burned, Christ is the same way. If you read your bible only at church services you'll only be protected from the "sun" sometimes but if you keep applying the word to your life you will never get a sunburn in the spirit so, why go through the pain and suffering when if you put on Christ and have a good Life Look then, people will not only want it but you'll be protected from what they have to overcome.

    It really speaks to my heart. Really for the past 2 years ive been trying every style there is, and ive never felt right with each one. When ever im just SO happy, i dont care what to wear, and i wear outrageous, colorful, CREATIVE things XD
    Since Feb, ive found my look on the outside, and the inside,
    Crazy, colorful, and pure in Gods eyes :)And this series just reminds me of the awesome choice i made :D

    1. I love this series! Ive been wondering what can i do to show my love for God. This series has really helped me in my look and style and i am doing all i can do to show my look for God. I have tried in the past but i was missing the key point of glorifying God also. With these sermons i know what style is in on Gods catwalk.
      ~Candace Long

    2. Mirisa, I agree with you; you are a very colorful, creative person. I have enjoyed your two presentation days. They are full of life, energy and the Word of God. That's such a great combination because you can reach a broad audience. Keep up the good work!

  4. like my look? well its an important thing that all Christians need to know. we lead with these things. looks are not important but if they are the view of God then it changes the world. i have been thinking about this sense i heard it at discipleship and its been stuck in my memory. i want my look to shine out to others and have them be touched by it. iv always been complimented on my smile and my eyes but i never realized that it was from what they felt from seeing it. they felt the love of God and peace that i have within him, without even realizing it. liking my look is important for my life and the life of others. i want to be on tv and books not by my look but the look he gives me withing my arts and actions. i LIKE my look!

    1. Your look IS important! It's how people see you, and they form an opinion about you. That's why it's so necessary to honor yourself as a young lady, walk in holiness and present a life that points people to Jesus (Col. 3:17). You're a great person and a leader. Keep your focus on the call that God has on your life.

      Btw, I'll watch your tv shows and read your books. Let me know when it all happens!

  5. I love this series! Ive been wondering what can i do to show my love for God. This series has really helped me in my look and style and i am doing all i can do to show my look for God. I have tried in the past but i was missing the key point of glorifying God also. With these sermons i know what style is in on Gods catwalk.
    ~Candace Long
    (sorry i posted it in a reply before)

  6. I love the Like My Look series. It tells us that people are not looking for who has the best clothes, they are looking for what we are on the inside and how we act. What it means to me is that God is not looking for the best dressed, but leaders. So, yes, I like my look!

  7. For the longest time I can always remember always worrying about what other people thought of me when in all honesty that's a terrible habit to have , simply because if you're putting you're focus on what other think of you , then you're not gonna be yourself , you're not gonna act like the person that God called you to be , and when I started high school I realized that there are way more important things than what people think of you. Being a leader was one of them , I realized that if I kept worrying about what people thought of me then that would severely affect my ability in becoming the leader that God called me to be. I can finally say that I haven't cared about what a person has thought of me in over 3 years now because I know that the leader that God has called me to be has taken over my mind and I no longer have to worry about the opinions people have of me. But that I can now lead by example and people will know that I'm faithfully living for Christ and I'm unashamed.

    1. Kobi!! That is such an awesome testimony! We should film you telling about it and make a video for Leadership month in August. Your story will minister to so many people. What do you think?

  8. This series so far speaks to many, and all of us in Descipleship can be leaders, even those of us not in it. To us, if we apply it to our lives then we too can be leaders.
    Leaders try and lead the situation but not always lead, we rise above all the troubles that have occured and pray over them as much as possible. If ppl were doing something bad, the leader would help them out of it.
    I try to look like a leader sometimes, and everyone seems to think i do a great job at being one but not always does it feel like im one so i try to find ways to improve myself. I will do whaever it is i can to help others. I try to take the words in my head and put them to a sense that people would understand. Not always will i have good thoughts because of the people around me, but i just need to cool out sometimes, since the ppl that make me mad are usually my family, thats just normal too, and knowing that they are my family God has given me helps, because he is trying to build me up for the years ahead. Trust, there are some people i trust, ppl that have brought it to the point i dont trust them, and some who have lied to me. I must remember, there are ups and downs in life and so far, at the moment i have some downs but alot of ups, im glad for it too because it means im living life right, and so far, its great.
    I try to apply all of these ways the best i can and if there is anything anyone thinks i should approve on, please dont hesitate to tell me, and ill try to match my needs with whats said, but remember, i dont wake up to impress anyone, but i live for God.

    1. posted at 7:20...... im not sure why it says 5:20 tho..?

  9. I have enjoyed every day of discipleship this year. I wish we could almost have it everyday because i love being in church and this is a great way to be in it.Ephesians 4:29 New International Version (NIV). Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. What this verse is saying is that we need to use only kinda words that will build up someones Faith not tear them down.

    1. I like Eph. 4:29 also. It goes so well with our series this month, Like My Look. Our words paint a picture about our lives, so they give us a "Life Look." We should choose words that build up and not words that destroy.

      Just wait until the July series! It's called "Like My Sound?" We're going to have a lot of fun ministering on the power of sound. Lol! We can go so many ways with that thought!

      I agree about Discipleship. This has been a great class this summer. Next week at VBS should be a memorable one.
