Confidence can be defined in many different ways. For the sake of this post we'll say it's an overwhelming sense of God in your life so you don't stress but live with strength instead. Confidence and pride are two very different things. Pride is a "me" thing and Godly confidence is a "Him" thing. The Bible says we are to "set our affections on things that are above," and this includes our self-image (Col. 3:2). When our confidence is found in Christ, we are setting our heart on Him so we don't have any need to worry. We're confident that God has every detail of our lives under control.
Here are some facts from today's lesson:
1. Confident people give God all of the praise
2. Confidence gives is security
3. Confidence will serve as a defense
4. Confidence is a witness
5. (MOST IMPORTANT) Confidence is vital in the Christian life
If we can take these principles and apply them to our lives we will live successfully. God has called us to walk with confidence. Jesus is our greatest example of this. He was confident in Himself as God in flesh, Jesus the Savior, God's only Son, Mary and Joseph's boy, a carpenter, the Chief Cornerstone and so on. He knew His position and never allowed narrow minded people or those with an agenda to shake His confidence. We should walk that same way. We're children of God, called out of darkness into His marvelous light, filled with the Holy Spirit and power, changed into the image of His dear Son and on a mission from God the Father. Anyone who tries to diminish that responsibility and revelation is not of God. Leave that relationship alone and walk with confidence toward your next assignment in God.
What is a way that you can stand up with confidence and live for God? We all face different challenges daily. Keep your confidence and move forward like you have nothing to lose. The good news is, you don't have anything to lose! You gain everything in Him! What a good God we serve.
Today i learned that confidence is better then pride.
ReplyDeletepride is when we give our self the glory or say oh i did this or i did that,but that is not what we should do.
we should always give god the glory for everything
Confident is exalting god
god is in us and the devil is in the world ,therefore we should get closer to god buy praying and reading our bible.So that when we get attack we are preppared.
Jade did an excellent job to day.:)
the scripture she preached out of was 1 john 4:4
which says greater is he that is in me then he that is in the world
changed my way of thinking of confidence
-kyra carr-
You're doing a great job in Discipleship! The message on confidence was really good. I think it's good to remind ourselves that God is the One who gives us the abilities to do whatever it is we do. When we remember that and give Him the glory, He continues to promote us. With that promotion, our confidence gets stronger and stronger.
DeleteI can see the confidence of God working in you as a member of the Leadership and Worship Teams. Keep getting stronger everyday!
i learned a lot about confidence today. i need it not only to lift myself up, but to have God lift me up as well. what would life be without confidence? it would be a lost world full of pride and people trying to look better but why would God want a world of that? pride is a sin and i noticed that i have a problem with that. pride is over taking my life and i need confidence to be myself again. i will take what i have learned and write about it to help others learn about the confidence i have in the Lord and pray for them to gain confidence.
ReplyDelete~EMILY LONG
~ Marissa Long
ReplyDeletei have learned a lot about Jesus the past few weeks i learned that to never have pride and always have confidence. last week i posted something about having family problems. i learned how to pray for my family and they have certainly gotten better! my family is happier!!!
Praying for your family is powerful. Sometimes we can forget that prayer changes things, but it does. The more we commit our family to God through prayer the stronger we become.
DeleteIt's difficult to talk bad about someone or be mean to someone that you're praying over. That is a sure way to cure dissension on your end. Praying for others not only help them, it makes you stronger as well.
I'm so happy to hear that you're learning about Jesus, and that your family is doing better. I'm proud of you for going through Discipleship!
Ms Jade this lesson was REALLY helpful, Ineed more cinfidence in my self so it helps me a LOT.
ReplyDeleteconfidence= exhalts HIM HIM HIM HIM HIM
random 1: "Girl, you did awesome"
girl: "Praise God"
random 1: "Yea, but you did really good"
girl "Yea, praise God"
random 1: "oh umm ok"
girl "praise God"
pride= exhalts Me ME ME mE ME
random 1: "Girl, you did so good"
girl: "Yea, you know igot skills, I am so awesome you know?"
random 1: "you did a gr.."
girl: cuts off "yea, that aint even nothin i got better you know, im so tight and all"
random 1: "Yea, umm sure"
girl: "did you see how awesome I was it was cool you know"
random 1: "it wasnt that great, ok? Geez, it was just a complement dont let it get to your head"
People dont like pride but, sometimes they dont always understand good Christian confidence either
we also learned a few points on confidence
1.with cnfidence you are not scared to give God all the prise
2. confidence gives us securtiy(personally,that low self esteem never could have given you)
3. confidence serves asdefense against things that try to get you to exhalt yourself or someone otherthan God
4. conifence is also a witness, people will see the confidence and want it too, so they will get saved
5. confidence is absolutely VITAL for a Christian lifestyle (you wont go to Hell without it, but you need it)
we learned
1 John 4:4-
Ye are of God, little children,and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world
1. Ye are of God, little children- you are Gods children so you should have Confidence just for that
2. and have over come them- you have already overcome whatever you lack confidence in so, you should have your conifdence because you already overcame it so why be scared?
3.because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world- God is in you and the Devil is in the world, so God is greater and he is in you and the Devil is weaker and he is in the world so you can beat him any time because you have God inside of you along with your gifts so, you have no reasojn to be scared. Confidence is a must and there is NO reason not to have it
Thank you Ms Jade, and i am excited for Vacation Bible School and I love our drama Thanks for taking time to preach and teach, us dramas and the word
Pride is something that gets to people's heads. It is a sin that goes against the confidence God has called us to have. We must, as God's children, show our gratitude and give all the praise to Him. I may or may not have had pride or confidence but surely, since Ms. Jade has taught this, I will keep my mind clear of pride. Anything i do now will be glorifying Him and not me. Ms. Jade has lead my mind and heart more toward showing the world how good God is. Now when someone compliments me on my flute playing or singing, i will respond with, "praise God." It is Him who gave me the talent and all praise and thanks will go back to Him.
ReplyDelete~ Candace Long
I'm gradually learning that you do need confidence in order to get stronger in God and it all starts with you giving glory to God ... And that's gonna be my first step in order for me to be successful in the dreams I want to accomplish in the future it starts with that first step.
ReplyDeleteConfidence is the way you live. If you don't have confidence, you can't do big things for God and therefore you can't fulfill his purpose for you. You gain confidence by overcoming your fears. You overcome your fears by stepping out in faith.
ReplyDeleteLast week in Discipleship I learned that there is a major difference in confidence, and pride! We should keep our sword, because if not the devil can attack us. We are children of God, who have overcome the world; stronger than the devil in this world. We learned 7 points that day:
ReplyDelete1. He needs to increase, we need to decrease.
2. We need to spend time with God.
3. Talk about God more than you talk about yourself.
4. Confidence gives you security.
5. Confidence will serve as a defense.
6. Confidence witnesses on its own.
7. Confidence is VITAL in your Christian life. & to remember that you should be confident in EVERYTHING you do!
-Makia, DangerDelless xOxO
I've learned that You should always have a Godly Confidence just how you say oh can do this and that you should you feel that away about God. By that you should talk about him more than you talk about yourself. which mean instead of i can do this and i can do that change it to he can to do this and that. -Jaelyn
ReplyDeleteThis particular subject proved to me that there is nothing to be afraid of as long as you know who your God is and that no enemy will be able to harm you.But if you go off course he will right by your side to pick you up in the end.