Thursday, June 7, 2012

Discipleship: The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is many things to us: friend, comforter, 3rd part of the Trinity, intercessor, God's gift to Christians, power, etc. Without the Holy Spirit the Christian life will seem empty. We were created to have all of the anointing and power of God working in our lives. We have to receive what God gives us and use it.

The HS has a manifestation in us. When you are filled with the HS you will speak with other tongues (Acts 2). There is an immediate sign that you have been filled. You don't receive the HS just because you accept Jesus into your heart. That's the gift of eternal life that we receive by confessing Jesus and believing on Him as the Son of God in our hearts. The proof of the infilling of the HS happens when we ask God for that gift, receive it by faith and begin to speak in a Heavenly language. God is a very creative God, and He gives each one of us a different sound in that gift. It makes it unique. It would be like going to a party and everyone getting candy but each person received a different kind. All Christians can receive the HS, but we sound differently when we pray.

Intercession is one of the most powerful forms of prayer. It is when you fervently pray for someone or something else. Romans 8:26 says that He "makes intercession for us." How incredible is it that the HS will pray for us?! He can give us divine comfort because He knows He's talked to God on our behalf, and that the answer we need is on the way.

If you're not filled with the HS yet and your a Christian, ask God to fill you. Read the story in Acts 2 when men were first filled with the HS. God empowered His people then, and He still does it today. Ask God to fill you, and He will. Then take time everyday to pray in tongues and in your normal prayer language.


  1. Today's message really stood out to me, because I struggle sometimes in prayning. And I don't have to be afraid of praying out loud, because I'm not going to be told I'm not good enough. God works in mysterious ways, but he never stops listening to us. I've never felt so closer to God before discipleship, I really thank God for pastors Cat and Devin, may God bless you.

    1. That's so good, Reyna. God does hear us when we pray. I'm thankful that you are in Discipleship this year!

  2. Kyra Williams:

    Today's discipleship was yet again another amazing day. By the way, thanks for the breakfast!! It was yummy!
    Today Devon preached on the Holy Spirit he also gave us scriptures and points on the holy spirit,but first he told us a frequently asked question:
    If I receive Jesus, didn't I receive the Holy Spirit?
    The answer is Yes, but you have tl be baptized in the spirit to access it, by Faith

    ~EVERYTHING in the Kingdom you receive by Faith~

    Points on The Holy Spirit (I didn't get numbers so ill tell you it all [in my own words] together)
    The Holy Spirit will teach you many things, the Holy Spirit is important because it is a teacher that teaches and explains things about prayer and the Bible to you
    It is very important to get the teaching of God so you really need to get the gift of the Holy Spirit
    Preaching- gets people saved teaching- creates things inside of yo
    TheHoly Spirit is like a comforter (blanket, or your blankie), he lets you know that EVERY thing is going to be alright
    Jesus= nobody can mess with him,so wouldn't you like to have him on your side? Well, be on his side? Wouldn't it make you feel safe? YES!
    If you have Jesus and the Holy Spirit in you then you will always be comforted
    There are also reasons that should make you want to be baptized
    When you receive the Holy Spirit you get the Power of God you will literally be able to sk everything Jesus did (minus be perfect and be the only way to Heaven)
    You will always teem strong

    We also learned that God gives you your OWN prayer language along with the Holy Spirit so, God is prating through you about things you may not know about things you may not know about yet
    We may not always know what to pray because we can see what in front of us not what's around the corner so we don't know what's going to happen but God does so he prays through you and that means it is Gods faith so it will Always be answered that means you are in a little safety net
    Praying in the Holy Spirit builds you up so you should pray in the holy spirit every day
    you can have the

    1. Cont...
      best car in the world but if you just drive and drive and drive then you will eventually run out of gas but if you put gas in frequently your car will be at its full potential and can do every thing it is made to do, the same thing with the Holy Spirit you have to pray in tongues every day to exercise it and recharge the batteries so the Holy Spirit can work at its full potential in our lives also praying in tongues is the easiest way to build up our faith because you can pray WHENEVER except when you are conversating in your own language you have to think about it to pray but in tongues you can pray whenever you want to refill up your "batteries"
      when you pray in the spirit you can by-pass your mind also, since it is God sspeaking through you there is No doubt so that means every time you sprain the Spirit it is Gods faith so it will ALWAYS come to pass because it is Gods faith not our faith
      God= father, son, holy spirit
      Human= body, soul, spirit
      We are 3 part beings

    2. This post was by Kyra (my email isn't working)

  3. Todays sermon was really cool! Because DEVOOON preached! And because my best friend is in discipleship too now :)

    John 14:26
    Acts 1:8
    Romans 8:26
    Jude 1:20

    When you receive Jesus, you receive God and the Holy Spirit.
    You can ask the Holy Spirit what something is in the bible. If ever questioning or confused, you can always ask Him.
    The Holy Spirit is your comforter, just like your blanket. When ever scarred, you wrap your blanket around yourself to feel secure and protected.
    Also like a car, if we dont fill up our faith gas tank, it'll run out! You fill up your faith by reading the bible *says "bible" with the "i" like "iglu"*
    Praying in tongues is our own language with God. No one can interfere, its a direct line to God. When we talk to him in tongues, problems we dont know about ourselves, or cant think of, already get sent to him. When praying in tongues there is no doubt.
    Lastly, If all teens, and kids, were to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and have a relationship with God we could be an unstoppable force everywhere we walk.
    I really liked hearing from mr Devon Delgado! WOO!

    1. Great comments on today's lesson. I'm glad your friend is in the class now too!

    2. Today's preacher was Devon over the Holy Ghost. He did an excellent job preaching, and we could see he enjoyed it himself. Tomorrow should be fun! Giving our own sermons and all.

      The first thing he gave us was John 14:26 which states that the Holy Spirit is a comforter, a blanket, somthing/somone who or will comfort you. In any situation the Holy Spirit will comfort you. The Holy Spirit is God who is 3 things, The Father, Son, and Spirit.

      Just because you get saved does not mean you you have the Holy Spirit, its up to you to reveive the Holy Spirit by Faith. Everything you receive is by Faith. If you receive anything, it will be by Faith. If you have received in Faith, God will give you tongues, the prayer language of the Holy Ghost. You may not always know what to pray but the Holy Spirit will pray through you, as it says in Romans 8:26. You yourself can also make up a prayer on what you see. God prays through you over the things you know. It is almost like a huge soft net to pray with the Holy Ghost. As Jude 1:20, aka the shortest book of the bible says, build yourself in your Faith by praying in the Holy Ghost, pray in it everyday to streanthen it. Just do it, pray what prayers you need prayed, do what you can to build up your Faith. When you pray in the spirit, you bypass your mind. When you pray most of the time you dont even know it.

      The bible will only make sense to you then the Holy Spirit teaches you, if you dont understand, ask him, its just like regular class, if you dont unserdtand something, who do you ask, the teacher right? The Holy Spirit is your teacher. Accept him for him, no matter what he chooses to be. The Holy Spirit will teach you what you want to know when you want to know it.

      Preaching will help gain desciples, as we are, if you preach, you teach the word of God people may be interested and say ' Hey, that was a great sermon, im going to go tell my friends about it, maybe they will come join in God with me '.
