Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Discipleship: Gifts of the Spirit

Today we started the most serious, deep teaching of Discipleship that we've had so far for this class. The gifts of the spirit are powerful tools that God gives to leaders in the Kingdom. We are told to desire these spiritual impartations and use them as the Lord leads us.

The three discussed today were tongues, interpretation of tongues and the word of knowledge. They can all be found in 1 Corinthians 12. What do you remember from the lesson today about these gifts from God?


  1. Even tho i wasnt here today, i read 1Corinthians 12 and it talks about the gifts of God and what gifts he gives you, im not sure who preached it but im sure they did a great job. God gave you many talents and you can use them to serve him, and no matter what he will love you whether you like it or not, he wants you to use your gifts to the best of your ability, praying and speaking in tounges is a gift and he gave it to you so that you m ay grow your Faith and build it up, dont waist them.

  2. The gifts of the spirit was a great message and I prayed over what my gifts was and yesterday I found that my GIFTS was wisdom and knowledge and I'm ready to go out and use my gifts of the spirit.
    By: Like "A" BOSS :)

  3. We learned about the gifts of the Spirit, we learned that Devon has the gift of the word of knowledge, he said one time at the mall he was preaching to some teenagers and God revealed something to one of the teens that he could NEVER have known about other wise and when he told the boy he was astonished and got saved, one kid said "Dude, your sidekick powers are awesome!" but he isnt sidekick, the kid he was revealed to about said I want that and then Devon led him to get filled with the Spirit, that is AMAZING!! We learned about the word of knowledge, the gift of tongues (which is in every Christian), and the gift of the interpretation of tongues. These gifts are important, there are 9 total gifts in which we will learn about tomorow . You have at least one of these gifts, and you have to practice and excersise it or it will be useless, and you can recieve other gifts by praying and reading The Word. You should strive to recieve the better gifts but the only way to get them is to pray and read the word, but you have to use what is already given to you and make it strong by praying and exercising them, otherwise your gifts are useless and you cant get new ones.

    word of knowledge- spiritually being able to know about something (through God/ the Holy Spirit) that you could NOT have known otherwise
    tongues- God's praying through you with his faith about things you may not even know about yet, it is your own prayer language
    interpretaion of tongues- being able to interpret in your ownlanguage (with God's help, of course) a message that someone else just spoke in tongues

  4. I believe now believe that these gifts cannot be taught but will come to you in the spirit as long as you are willing to give your self to the lord but that you have to choose to on your own if you are willing to live for God and only God.
