Friday, June 15, 2012

Discipleship: Be Like Mufasa

I enjoyed all of the groups that ministered today soooooooooooo much! Let me see if I can get the group names right this time:
  1. Team He Lives
  2. Team Chosen
  3. God's Assistants
  4. Team Ninja Spider Monkeys 
I think I got it this time!! Anyway, everyone put their heart into their time slots and conveyed strong messages from the Bible. I know it isn't always easy to get up in front of a crowd - especially one full of teens (wink, wink) - but you did it. Every time you do something in faith and something that may be a little uncomfortable, you stretch yourself. Stretching is a good thing. It keeps you growing and reaching for the things God has for your life. You just grew in the Spirit by ministering today! It was that easy.

Proverbs 28:1 says, "The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion." No matter what comes your way in life, always stay bold for God and pursue the best. If I can refer to the movie The Lion King for a moment, maybe it will help to paint a better picture. We are created to Mufasa's and not Scar's. Both are lions, but only one is strong and a good leader. Be a Mufasa (you can roar right here if you'd like).


  1. Well, everyone did a great job on their Sermon/Drama scene, and since it was acting we made it look pretty awesome. The more times we get back to going infront of people the more your going to want to try it, and more confidence is built up. Try to be a people person and you wont be so scared.
    Back to topic, everyone did an amazing job, and a quick Shout Out to Joesph Lesky who has moved to New Orleans in Florida today. May he get many new friends and never forget his old ones, may he never forget God and always live for him, may he always remember Chosen Youth Church, and may he live an awesome live as he goes of to Florida with his step dad so that his dad may work and that he may bring God to the people in Florida.

  2. Words describing the group sermons from Friday: hilarious, anointed, fun, confidence-building, teamwork, preparation, unity. I loved every second of it!
